Vision, Values, and Aims
Our Vision
Governors, parents and school staff worked together to agree a vision for Dodleston CE Primary School, which they felt, is represented in the following quotation…
Learning to Love Ourselves, Love Each Other, Love Learning, Love Life;
for God is Love.
Our school vision and its foundation in God’s love comes from the book of Philippians in which Paul who lived by God’s love wrote to inspire others to take this love out into the world, living in the same strength that he did.
“I can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens Me”
Philippians 4:13
Our Christian Values
Love is the rich soil in which all our Christian values take root and enable us to show the fruits of the spirit:
Koinonia Peace Trust
Forgiveness Justice Compassion
Living out these values will enable us all to grow, blossom, flourish, and become caring, confident, successful and responsible citizens of our amazing world, as promised in our exit profile.
Our Exit Profile
We promise at the end of a child’s time at Dodleston CE Primary School they will have:
· An understanding of spirituality and personal faith, and knowledge and respect for other world faiths.
· A strong moral and ethical code based on Christian values.
· A strong sense of self. To be articulate and confident to make our voices heard on behalf of self and others.
· An understanding of human rights and responsibilities to self and others and our role as a community and global citizen.
· Aspirations to achieve great things.
· An understanding of democracy and the skills to debate, question and to engage in a democratic process with confidence.
· Respect and care for nature and the world around us and a desire to protect the environment.
· Life skills to resolve challenges effectively and efficiently.
We consider it important that children are given strong moral and spiritual guidance as part of their education, so they are able to judge right from wrong and develop their own spirituality.
At Dodleston C of E Primary School we believe that spiritual development is not necessarily religious but is a ‘concern to foster the growth of the human spirit’. We consider that spiritual development is about helping children to develop academically but more importantly personally so that they become well rounded and ready to take their place in society fulfilled, happy, spiritually aware as well as socially and emotionally engaged. We believe that spirituality is essential for personal happiness.